The reasons why you should choose us are many. One
of which is our guarantee to the customer. A ll of our
Personal Trainers are licensed and certified, as well as have years of
experience behind him/her in the business. We
also have insurance that covers the customer if damage should occur and will
offer a money back guarantee if you don’t reach your goal through us. We
believe we are the best PT in Malmö due to our ranking from clients online.
We offer a wide range of services, including
e verything from
regular gym training, PT online and nutritional advice, to pure motivational coaching
and other special services such as bodyfat analysis in Malmö and exercise for
pre, during and post pregnancy females. We deal with all kinds of
clients. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or elite. If you are healthy
or in pain due to back or neck complications. We will find the best, and
safest, workout schedule and diet plan for you!
We warmly welcome you to us, the best PT in Malmö!
till varför du ska välja just oss är många.
The reasons why you should choose
us are many. En av dessa är våra garantier
gentemot kunden.One of which is our guarantee to the customer. Bl.a. A ll of our
Personal Trainers are licensed and certified, as well as have years of
experience behind him/her in the business. We also have insurance that covers the customer if damage should occur.
We offer a variety of services,
including e We only use the best equipment in the
business such as the verything
from regular gym training and nutritional advice, to coaching, PT online and
other special services such as training for pregnant females and bodyfat
analysis in Malmö.harpenden caliper.
We have a stable network of
supplemental services such as massage or chiropractics, should you ever need
du någon gång behöva komplettera med något som inte vi kan erbjuda, exempelvis
en speciell typ av massage eller kiropraktik, har vi ett stabilt kontaktnät som
gör det lätt för dig att hitta rätt.Vår flexibilitet gör att vi inte är knutna
till något kontor eller lokal utan kan komma hem till kunden eller bestämma
träff på exempelvis gymmet, klubben, eller fiket.Our flexibility allows us to not be
permanently linked to any office or premises, but we can make in-home visits,
meet you at the gym, your job, or the local café’.
Our personal trainers team is
based in Malmö but can of course deal with clients all over Sweden. IInternationella tjänster kan erbjudas efter
överenskommelse.nternational services may be offered by appointment.Kontakta oss för mer information kring detta!
Contact us for more information about this!
målsättning är att tveklöst vara bäst på det vi gör.Our goal is to be the very best in the
business. To be the best PT in Malmö.Vi ska inte
bara förmedla den kunskap vi besitter utan även bemöta våra klienter på ett
sådant sätt att dom känner sig väl omhändertagna och förstådda. We will
not only convey the knowledge we possess, but also respond to our clients in
such a way that they feel well cared for and understood. Vi strävar efter att kunden alltid skall få valuta för
sina pengar.We are committed to the ideal that customer should always
get their money's worth. We will go above and beyond our clients’ expectations.
You can be confident in our ability to
meet your needs. Our clientele range from retirees to men
and women in elite sports. In addition to individual services, we can provide
corporate and exercise and nutritional services. Furthermore, we can provide
start-up services for gym and exercise facilities. The company also
collaborates with other health companies such as min friskvård and actiway.
till bolaget har en mycket gedigen bakgrund inom träning och hälsa med drygt 10
års erfarenhet inom gymbranchen.
The founder of the company has a
very solid background in fitness and nutritional health with over 10 years
experience in the gym industry. He is accredited and licensed by the PT-School of
Stockholm and the European register of exercise professionals also known as EREPS.
Sincerely Yours,
Class Personal Training Sweden